Now Recruiting OSB Members for Appellate Practice Section Executive Committee!

The OSB Appellate Practice Section is currently recruiting OSB members to serve as members-at-large on our 2022 Executive Committee.

The Appellate Practice Section Executive Committee manages the activities of the section. Executive Committee work ranges from planning CLE programs and networking events, producing informational newsletters and other publications, tracking relevant legislation, and developing ways to increase diversity and promote inclusion to improve the practice of law and our ability to serve our community. We work closely with members of the appellate courts and Appellate Commissioner’s Office to bring opportunities for engagement between the bench and bar, assist in the management of the Oregon Appellate Court Pro Bono Program, and publish the Oregon Appellate Almanac.

Member-at-large terms are two years. They begin on January 1, 2023.

If you are interested in serving, please email a 1-2 paragraph statement of interest, including information about your experience and your particular interest in contributing to the Section, to [email protected]. Statements of interest are due by Thursday, December 1.