APS Brown Bag CLE – June 12, 2012


The OSB Appellate Section is holding a brown bag CLE on June 21, 2012, noon-1:15 p.m., in downtown Portland. Update: Arrangements have been made to allow attorneys at a distance to listen to the program by telephone. See registration info below…
The CLE will have two parts:
Part 1: Newly Elected Chief Justice Thomas Balmer Reflects and Looks Forward
The CLE will start by welcoming newly elected Chief Justice Thomas Balmer. Chief Justice Balmer will discuss his new role, legislative and administrative issues, the work of the court, and his perspective on the court’s work after 10 years of service.
Part 2: E-Filing — Everything You Wanted to Know and More, Including the New Interim
E-Filing Rules
Members of the court staff will talk about e-filing — including, among other things, e-filing requirements, how the court handles e-filed documents, and new interim rules for e-filing. This information will be valuable to both lawyers and legal staff who handle e-filing.
Location: Tonkon Torp, 888 S.W. 5th Ave., 16th Floor, Portland
Refreshments: Cookies, coffee and water will be provided. (Bring your lunch!)
Cost: $15 for OSB Appellate Practice Section members; $20 for non-members.
1.0 MCLE credit pending.
To register, print this message, fill in the name of the person attending, and send with a check for $15 (Appellate Section members) or $20 (non-members), payable to “Oregon State Bar” to:
Jona Maukonen, Harrang Long Gary Rudnick., 1001 S.W. 5th Ave., 16th Flr, Portland, OR 97204.
Questions? Email [email protected].
People outside the Portland area may wish to listen to the program by telephone. If you are interested in registering as a call-in listener, contact Jona Maukonen for details at 503 242-0000.

The Oregon Supreme Court Candidate Forum


The American Constitution Society for Law and Policy presents a candidate forum with the three candidates for the Oregon Supreme Court position being vacated by retiring Justice Robert “Skip” Durham:
• Richard Baldwin, Judge, Multnomah County Circuit Court
• Nena Cook, Partner, Sussman Shank LLP
• Timothy Sercombe, Judge, Oregon Court of Appeals
Moderated by:
• Charlie Hinkle, Retired Partner, Stoel Rives LLP
• Scott Shorr, Managing Shareholder, Stoll Stoll Berne Lokting & Shlachter P.C.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
4:30-5:45 p.m.
Wells Fargo Center
1300 S.W. 5th Ave., 21st Floor
Portland, OR
A colorful flyer suitable for printing can be found here.


TO: All Appellate Practice Section Members
FROM: Executive Committee
RE: Annual Business Meeting/Election of 2012 Slate and Section dues increase to $20, via electronic vote.
The 2011 annual election of the Appellate Practice Section of the Oregon State Bar is being held via electronic ballot. All ballots must be submitted by noon on Friday, Oct. 14, 2011, to Julie Hankin via email at [email protected] or fax your vote to her at (503) 598-6991.

(More details after the jump.)

Please cast your vote on these two issues:  Yes or No?

Issue 1.  Election of executive committee members.
The nominating committee has proposed the following slate for 2012:
Chair                           Meagan A. Flynn
Chair-Elect                  Julene M. Quinn
Past Chair                    Harry Michael Auerbach
Treasurer                     Lora E. Keenan
Secretary                     Theodore P. Heus
Members-at-Large – Terms Ending 12/31/13
Paul L. Smith
Eli D. Stutsman
P.K. Runkles-Pearson
Continuing Members-at-Large – Terms Ending 12/31/12
Robyn Ridler Aoyagi
Neil Francis Byl
Lisa E. Lear
Wendy M. Margolis
Jona Jolyne Maukonen
Issue 2.  Dues Increase.

The Appellate Practice Section Executive Committee proposes that the section increase dues from $15 to $20 starting in 2012. This increase would bring the section into the average range for bar section dues. Raising dues would allow the section more predictable funding for its regular member services, including CLEs, The Appellate Almanac, and the annual social event and would provide flexibility to consider undertaking additional projects or activities.

Upcoming Appellate Practice CLE

The Oregon State Bar Appellate Practice Section
and the Federal Bar Association
Demystifying Appeals:
Appellate Practice in State and Federal Courts

A 3.5 hour CLE
Thursday, June 9, 2011
1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse
Courtroom 15A (15th Floor)

This program offers a wealth of information for 

both experienced and novice appellate practitioners. 
Federal and state appellate judges will provide 
a glimpse “behind the scenes” at how they do their work, 
and discuss their own editing process  
and tips for editing your briefs. 
In addition, staff from federal and state mediation programs 
will provide updates and insights about appellate mediation.


To Register:
Send a check for $50/pp made payable to “Oregon FBA” to
Kelly Zusman, 1000 SW 3rd Ave., #600, Portland, OR 97204.
Include the names and OSB numbers of each participant.
Walk-in regsitrations welcome.  (Cash or check only.)


Email questions to:  [email protected] or [email protected]